Clavister cOS Core 10.11.09


Clavister har släppt version 10.11.09 av cOS Core som rättar till ett fåtal buggar i de tidigare versionerna av denna major (10.11).

Certezzas rekommendation är att kunder som kör 10.11-serien börjar planera för uppgradering till den senaste version av cOS Core (10.22 i skrivande stund) då 10.11 saknar funktionalitet och på sikt kommer att gå End-of-Support. De kunder som fortsatt vill använda sig av cOS Core 10.11 bör patcha till .09 snarast möjligt för att undvika att stöta på kända och redan åtgärdade problem.

Kontakta Certezza Support vid frågor,
Telefon: 08-791 92 00

Buggfixar i cOS Core 10.11.09

COP-2592The VLAN CLI command did not show virtual routing (PBR membership) information.
COP-10795When using High Availability, the private IP address was used as the responder IP for traceroute. Now the shared IP address is used.
COP-14901Traffic over the L2TP/IPsec server could halt when the L2TP client’s IP address was changed.
COP-14987It was not possible to open an outbound connection when using SAT or SLB together with NAT through an IPsec tunnel if such tunnel had manually specified the address that corresponds to the local net. This was only a problem when using High Availability.
COP-15069RADIUS attributes “acct-input-gigawords” and “acct-output-gigawords” were not included in the statistics messages when their values were zero.
COP-15073The HTTP-ALG truncated long blacklist/whitelist filter URLs to 63 characters without a warning, creating an invalid filter matching nothing. Now there is a configuration warning that too long filters will be truncated.
COP-15086The output of CLI command “buffers -recent” and the output of pcapdump when displaying the packets in the CLI were incorrect for IPv6 packets with extension headers.
COP-15088The fragment IDs in packets were displayed in the wrong byte order on certain Security Gateway models.
COP-15105Under some circumstances, L2TPv3 tunnels could stop operating after reconfiguring the Security Gateway.
COP-15179In rare occasions the Security Gateway could make an unexpected restart when releasing DHCP-leases for an IPpool if the leases had not yet been populated.