Shibboleth Identity Provider V4.0.0

Ny major version av Shibboleth IDP.

Nuvarande versioner har gått ur support eller kommer att göra det 31:a december 2020.

Kontakta Certezza support för mer info


The release of the fourth-generation Identity Provider software is now available for download [1] in gtar, zip, and x64 MSI form.
The release notes [2] contain essential information for upgrading and the system requirements [3] are significantly different from earlier versions.
Per our policy [4], we are designating V3.4.6 as the “previous stable” version, and it (or subsequent patch releases as required) will remain supported throughout Dec 31, 2020, after which it will become unsupported. Spring 4 is no longer supported past that point, so we have no flexibility regarding that date. We do not have specific plans for further V3 patch releases at present.
We will get all of this information into the appropriate wiki locations throughout the course of today.
Thank you to all of the testers of the two beta releases.



